Meet The Team

TransformUK Chair

TransformUK CEO
TransformShoreditch Director
David is a Regional Minister at the London Baptist Association. In 2005 David was involved with a national tour (Guns On Our Streets) to raise the awareness of gun and knife crime and challenge the church to respond. Following the tour David was part of launching the Street Pastors Initiative which now has over 12,000 Christians members across the UK. He is a visiting lecturer at Spurgeons Bible College in London and highly sought after public speaker.
Eddie has over fifteen years experience of managing, leading and growing small charities to have large social impact in their communities. Eddie was listed in the Evening Standard's 'London's Most Influential People' in 2013 for his work in the the third sector and has overseen OFSTED Outstanding Inspections in the leadership of the first free school in the UK. Eddie was the Campaign Partner for the Ladder for London Campaign which saw young adults enter into work through paid apprenticeships.
Dominy feels she is living out her purpose using her lived experience in the care system and of overcoming a range of childhood trauma - abuse in all forms!
She is breaking cycles of generational trauma and dysfunction and is passionate about taking other women, and girls, from similar backgrounds with her! She is convicted that these challenges can give us an advantage - inspiring incredible character and strength in us - IF we are courageous enough to heal from them.
After working with children, young people and their families for over ten years in a range of charity and community organisations she co-founded TransformUK. The vision for TransformUK came from our amazing CEO and is to demonstrate love in some of our poorest communities. Not just financially poor but where there is a lack of love, health, wealth and any other barriers that lead us to not live out all the light inside of us!
Dominy has completed a research project with the Winston Churchill Memorial Trust in Florida, Virginia and NYC. It was whilst doing this that her love of music - particularly hip hop (getting to see Mos Def perform with NYC’s symphony orchestra helped this!) - was cemented and WordFORWARD was birthed! Using lyrics and beats to help engage our young people witj their emotions and propel them forward is a no brainer! We couldn’t be happier that the Mayor of London agrees and this project was recently awarded Young Londoners funding!
Dominy feels blessed to work with some of the most incredible people and is on a mission to break generational cycles of dysfunction and raise up incredible mums and dads who raise up even more incredible mums and dads!